Palumbo–Donahue School of Business 

 Duquesne University

The majority of my research is driven by a seemingly simple question: How can we reduce unethical behavior in organizations? I study social perceptions, norms, and moral judgments with a particular interest in forecasting unethical behaviors at both the individual and organization level. 

For example, my doctoral dissertation focused on identifying individuals who are most likely to engage in unethical behaviors (e.g., cheating or stealing), especially in contexts, such as job interview settings, where people are highly motivated to convey good impressions.

My other research streams aim to answer the question: How can we increase group performance? I study conflict management and coordination in teams and small groups, as well as judgment and decision making using crowdsourcing designs. 

Prior to starting my doctoral work, I completed two Master’s degrees: one in Statistics and a second one in Quantitative Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation. I am interested in using my quantitative research skills to develop statistical algorithms and tools for behavioral researchers. 

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